A TPK guide to collaborative design

Te Puni Kōkiri, Creative HQ

Te Puni Kōkiri Playbook

Public Sector
In a 10-day sprint, Creative HQ collaborated with Te Puni Kōkiri to create a co-design playbook for use by TPK employees. The Playbook was designed in two parts: the first part laid out how to approach co-design and the second provided a set of tools and guidelines to take employees through a human-centred design process. The intent behind the Playbook was that TPK would review and adapt the tools and approaches as they developed deeper knowledge and expertise.
person in workshop reading post-it notes
Workshop in action: testing and development of playbook
The main objective of this project was to enhance the co-design capability of Te Puni Kōkiri employees with a rigorous process they could follow and adapt over time. The process and tools needed to be written and visualised in an accessible way so that people with little experience could easily apply them. A vital part of the Playbook challenge was to ensure that all work was located in the TPK strategic frameworks and brand.
Te Puni Køkiri Designing Together Double Diamond Model
Designing Together Double Diamond Model
Designing Together Double Diamond Process and Tools
Designing Together Double Diamond process and tools
Iconography used as a key throughout the TPK Playbook for ease of navigation and phase reference
Iconography developed and used as a key throughout the TPK Playbook for ease of navigation and phase reference
THE Solution
Te Puni Kōkiri and Creative HQ co-designed an extensive toolkit, complete with associated resources and how-to guides that were compiled into a comprehensive Playbook. Our goal was to ensure that the playbook remained "intrinsically TPK" by incorporating the thinking behind TPK’s brand into the design language. This went beyond using brand elements such as typography, colour, and graphic elements and further into using the brand Tohu to tell the story of co-design as a TPK practice. So people could easily understand the process in action, we designed a frame-by-frame visual story around a real piece of work in an informal, sketched style. Since the playbook was a content-heavy resource, we prioritised clarity of information, ease of use, and seamless navigation. We differentiated each phase of the process with its individual iconography and reference keys, using a strong colour association across all tools and guides. Our overall design solution resulted in an engaging playbook of tools, insights, and resources, encouraging Te Puni Kōkiri staff to develop new and innovative solutions using tools that were tailored to their unique needs.
Graphic elements developed as markers, references and tool assets
Graphic elements developed as markers, references and tool assets
Informal sketched style illustrations show how tools would practically be used by Te Puni Kōkiri staff
Informal sketched style illustrations show how tools would practically be used by Te Puni Kōkiri staff. This style was also carried through a frame-by-frame visual story board.
The co-design project resulted in the creation of a comprehensive playbook called "Designing Together: A Guide to Collaborative Design for Te Puni Kōkiri". Designed intentionally as a living resource, able to adapt, change, and grow alongside the organisation as they customise their design approaches, techniques and tools to meet the unique needs for co-design and collaboration.
Te Puni Kōkiri Designing Together Playbook cover
Te Puni Kōkiri Designing Together Playbook
Speech bubble icon

Design makes a critical difference to how people understand things. Nomad Studios bought space, emotion and clarity to what could have been an overwhelming amount of information.

At an early stage we bought Nomad in to participate in the material development workshop. Their ability to visualise, synthesise and creatively extend what people were saying during the workshop led to a breakthrough in how we positioned the work in the organisation. Following on from that they were meticulous in every aspect of design from creating a design language, enforcing consistency, solving challenges through design layout and finishing off the work to a very high standard.

You will understand just why Nomad Studios is a treasured partner with Creative HQ.

Alexandra Lutyens
Senior Innovation Specialist @Creative HQ
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